We welcome your feedback, complaint or suggestion, so we can improve our service. If you prefer to provide this feedback directly, you can also send an email to [email protected] or call us on (03) 9544 9111 to discuss. Questions marked with a red asterisk require a response.

In the scale (0 – 10), a value of 0 is the lowest (poorest) rating whilst a value of 10 is the highest (excellent) rating. If you later decide that you would like to withdraw your personal information, please let us know by sending an email to [email protected] or calling us on (03) 9544 9111.

    Your Name

    Your Email (only required if you want us to respond to you via email)

    Company Name (if applicable)

    Which Region does your Feedback Relate To?

    Does your feedback relate to CETEC or FORAY

    Technical Expertise


    Quality of Report

    Cost Consciousness

    012345678910Not Relevant

    Commerciality of Advice

    Problem Solving Capabilities

    012345678910Not Relevant


    012345678910Not Relevant

    How likely is it that you would use our services again, or recommend us? (where 0 = never, 10 = definitely yes)

    012345678910Not Relevant

    Do you have any other feedback?

    Data Consent Notice